Building a New School for
Becky's Children's Home in Senya, Ghana
The founder's of Becky's Children's Home, Seth and Vivian Aseidu, also run Becky's School. Becky's School currently serves 400+ students up to junior high school. The vision for the school is to build a new, 8 classroom school on the same plot of land as their children's home. Currently, the school is built on rented property, and additionally, it has poor infrastructure. The goal is to build the school on Seth's land, so money spent on rent can be reallocated to other needs of the school and children's home.
More importantly, a new school building with better infrastructure will enhance the learning environments for students. Previously, during the rainy season, students may be released early or unable to attend school on days with serious storms. In April 2016, their school was heavily damaged by a strong storm that resulted in lost school days and expensive repairs. In collaboration with various donors, and Seth and Vivian, we hope to bring positive change to this school and improve the education of youth in Senya!
Step 1: Fundraising
-In Progress
Step 2: Building the Classrooms
- In Progress
Step 3: Open the Classrooms to Becky's School students
- Upcoming!
Why is this project more
than just a building?
Our Process:
Education is a basic human right
Yet, those who need education the most, children living in poverty, are the least likely to attend and complete school.
The poverty rate is 25% in Ghana
Every extra year of school increases productivity up to 30%
Individual earnings increase by 10% with every grade completed